DJI - Blue 789 News Latest News Updates Sat, 19 Oct 2024 12:00:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DJI оспаривает статус «Китайской военной компании» в Пентагоне в суде Sat, 19 Oct 2024 12:00:36 +0000 DJI подала иск против Министерства обороны США из-за включения компании в список Пентагона, в котором она обозначена как «китайская военная…

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The post DJI оспаривает статус «Китайской военной компании» в Пентагоне в суде appeared first on Blue 789 News.


DJI подала иск против Министерства обороны США из-за включения компании в список Пентагона, в котором она обозначена как «китайская военная компания». В своей документации, предоставленной ГраньКомпания заявила, что оспаривает это определение, поскольку она «не принадлежит и не контролируется китайскими военными». Компания описала себя как «крупнейшего частного продавца потребительских и коммерческих дронов», которые в основном используются службами быстрого реагирования, пожарными и полицейскими управлениями, предприятиями и любителями.

Компания заявила, что, поскольку Пентагон официально объявил ее угрозой национальной безопасности, она понесла «постоянный финансовый и репутационный ущерб». В компании также заявили, что потеряли бизнес как со стороны американских, так и внутренних клиентов, которые расторгли контракты и отказались заключать новые, а также запретили подписывать контракты с несколькими федеральными правительственными учреждениями.

DJI объяснила, что пыталась взаимодействовать с Министерством обороны более 16 месяцев и 27 июля 2023 года подала «всестороннюю петицию об исключении из списка», чтобы заставить агентство исключить свое обозначение. Однако агентство, как утверждается, отказалось вести конструктивный диалог и объяснить причины включения компании в список. 31 января 2024 года Министерство обороны без предварительного уведомления изменило название компании, говорится в жалобе DJI. DJI утверждает, что Министерство обороны поделилось полным обоснованием своего назначения только после того, как сообщило агентству, что собирается «обратиться за судебной защитой».

Компания заявила, что доводы Министерства обороны недостаточны для обоснования ее назначения, что агентство путает людей с обычными китайскими именами и что оно опирается на «устаревшие предполагаемые факты и ослабленные связи». DJI теперь просит суд признать действия Министерства обороны неконституционными, назвав включение Пентагона и неспособность исключить его из списка «китайских военных компаний» нарушением закона и его прав на надлежащую правовую процедуру.

DJI уже давно находится под прицелом различных правительственных агентств США. Министерство торговли добавило его в свой список организаций в 2020 году, что не позволило американским компаниям поставлять ему детали без лицензии. Год спустя она была добавлена ​​в список «китайских компаний военно-промышленного комплекса» Министерства финансов США за предполагаемое участие в слежке за уйгурскими мусульманами в Китае. А всего несколько дней назад DJI подтвердила, что ее новейшие потребительские дроны задерживают на границе таможня США, ссылающаяся на Закон о предотвращении уйгурского принудительного труда. Производитель дронов отрицает, что у него есть производственные мощности в Синьцзяне, регионе, где используется принудительный уйгурский труд.

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DJI подтверждает, что таможня США задержала свой последний потребительский дрон Thu, 17 Oct 2024 12:30:07 +0000 Многие дроны DJI, включая новейшие потребительские товары, задерживаются на границе с США, сообщил сегодня производитель в своем блоге. Судя по…

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The post DJI подтверждает, что таможня США задержала свой последний потребительский дрон appeared first on Blue 789 News.


Многие дроны DJI, включая новейшие потребительские товары, задерживаются на границе с США, сообщил сегодня производитель в своем блоге. Судя по всему, это вопрос таможни и не связан с предложенным в США законодательством о запрете продукции DJI (Закон о противодействии дронам КПК), который в настоящее время находится на рассмотрении Конгресса США. Однако задержка означает, что продажи новейшего дрона DJI Air 3S будут отложены, сообщили в компании. Грань.

«Таможенно-пограничная служба США (CBP) назвала Закон о предотвращении принудительного труда уйгуров (UFLPA) причиной текущих задержек», — пишет команда DJI ViewPoints. «Однако это утверждение, выдвинутое против DJI, совершенно необоснованно и категорически ложно».

Назвав ситуацию «недоразумением», DJI заявила, что отправляет документацию, подтверждающую соответствие UFLPA. Компания добавила, что у нее нет производственных мощностей и она не закупает материалы в Синьцзяне, регионе, который является красным флагом для США с точки зрения нарушений уйгурского принудительного труда. Он также отметил, что компания не котируется на бирже UFLPA и что ее поставки «проходят тщательную проверку уважаемыми ритейлерами США». Таможенная и пограничная служба США пока не прокомментировала этот вопрос.

Хотя Палата представителей США приняла законопроект о блокировании дронов DJI, Сенат удалил этот пункт из Закона о полномочиях национальной обороны 2025 года. Однако позже она была вновь внесена в качестве поправки и все еще могла войти в окончательный вариант законопроекта. Если это так, импорт новых дронов DJI может быть заблокирован, но запрет вряд ли запретит нынешним владельцам использовать их. По данным DJI, доля мирового рынка дронов составит более 70 процентов по состоянию на 2021 год. Статистика. в том числе до 90 процентов — со стороны должностных лиц общественной безопасности.

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DJI Neo review: The best $200 drone ever made Wed, 09 Oct 2024 01:00:32 +0000 When DJI revealed its tiny $200 Neo drone, I immediately saw how it could fit into my vlogger’s toolkit to…

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The post DJI Neo review: The best $200 drone ever made appeared first on Blue 789 News.


When DJI revealed its tiny $200 Neo drone, I immediately saw how it could fit into my vlogger’s toolkit to supplement my Mini 4 Pro and Mavic 3 Pro. Flying those sophisticated drones is a whole thing that requires planning. But the Neo can be launched spontaneously to grab quick and fun shots, thanks to features like palm takeoff and voice control. That ease of use also makes it ideal for the social media influencers.

Though beginner-friendly, it’s quite powerful. You get features from DJI’s bigger drones like ActiveTrack, FPV capabilities and even support for DJI’s Mic 2. And forget about the fuzzy video you may have seen on other cheap drones. The Neo can record in sharp 4K, making it suitable for content creators who need affordable aerial video.


The DJI Neo may be an inexpensive, beginner-friendly drone, but has powerful features like subject tracking and quick shots.


  • Quick and maneuverable
  • Inexpensive
  • Includes high-end features
  • Beginner friendly

  • No vertical video
  • Sounds like a banshee
  • Top speeds require specific controller

$199 at Amazon

It’s not perfect though, as the Neo is noisy and lacks vertical video, something influencers will likely want. Still, it looked like the kind of product that could appeal to all types of people, even creators like myself who already have multiple drones. To see how it performed, we put it through a variety of scenarios from events to weddings — and even flying just for fun.

With a softly sculpted design and protective propeller guards, the Neo gives off safe, friendly vibes. It’s DJI’s lightest drone by far at 135 grams, less than half the Mini 4’s heft, and is small enough to fit into a large jacket pocket. The device’s diminutive size also means it’s exempt from any drone license requirements.

The Neo has a rich feature set, but all you need to start flying is your hand. Simply place the Neo in your palm, press the new mode button at front and it’ll take off and perform one of six preprogrammed “smart shots.” Those are Follow (the drone tracks and follows you around), Dronie (it starts tight on your face then flies up and away from you), Circle (flies around you), Rocket (starts at face level and flies straight up), Spotlight (keeps you centered in the frame but doesn’t move) and Direction Track (for vlogging). After you complete the shot, stick out your hand under the Neo to land it.

Another great option for newbies is voice control, which lets you fly and record video by speaking into the Fly More app. I wasn’t able to try this feature in my initial hands-on tests, but it has now been enabled via a firmware update. You can either tap on the voice button to say a command or enable the wake word settings. Then, you can just say, “Hey Fly” to activate it.

DJI's beginner-friendly Neo can launch straight from your palm DJI's beginner-friendly Neo can launch straight from your palm

Steve Dent for Engadget

For instance, saying the word “dronie” will activate the dronie flight pattern and start recording. You can then change parameters using commands like “closer,” “farther” and “higher.” It also includes the safety commands “land,” “stop” and “brake.”

The setting is a great way to give users some control over the social media-oriented quick shots without the need to touch a controller. It was straightforward to set up, and I found that it responded quickly and reliably to my commands. However, you’ll need to keep the phone’s mic close to your mouth when the Neo is nearby, or the propeller wailing will drown out your voice.

The Neo is DJI's first drone that can be piloted by a smartphone alone, though range is very limitedThe Neo is DJI's first drone that can be piloted by a smartphone alone, though range is very limited

Steve Dent for Engadget

The Neo is also DJI’s first drone that can be piloted using a smartphone alone. Switching the app into manual mode brings up a touch screen with full maneuvering controls. It also offers a camera/video mode and return-to-home toggle. There’s a serious caveat to using it, though, as I’ll detail shortly. For more serious piloting, the Neo supports multiple DJI controllers (sold separately), including the RC N3 model that requires a smartphone. You can even use it as an FPV drone with DJI’s RC Motion 3 and DJI Goggles 3. Those controllers offer most of the features available on other DJI camera drones, like cinema, normal and sport modes, along with auto and manual video settings.

What you won’t see are any obstacle detection sensors, which is one reason the Neo is so cheap. The only crash protection measures are the camera’s subject detection AI, a downward facing IR landing sensor and a rugged design that resists minor accidents.

As for storage, there’s no microSD card slot, so the Neo relies on the 22GB of internal memory that holds 40 minutes of 4K footage or 55 minutes of 1080p video. You can transfer the files to a PC or other device via the rear USB-C charging port. Again, this is less than ideal, but it keeps the price down.

The Neo offers surprisingly snappy storage for its size. The Neo offers surprisingly snappy storage for its size.

Steve Dent for Engadget

If you have low performance expectations for a 5-ounce, $200 drone, get ready to be pleasantly surprised — the Neo is maneuverable, fast and fun. It can hit speeds up to 18 mph in sport mode, which is half that of the Mini 4 Pro, but still at the upper end of this category. You can even fly it in fairly blustery winds up to 18 mph, though it could get blown into another county if you let it get too far away.

The Neo can also fly twice that speed in manual mode, another feature that arrived in a post-launch firmware update, but requires DJI’s FPV Controller 3. With that controller and the firmware update, I pushed it to its top speed. 36 mph is faster than any drone this size by far, but it never felt out of control. However, at that speed the noise level resembles a swarm of particularly irate hornets.

The FPV Controller 3 also opens up the possibility of acrobatic (acro) flying, letting you perform flips, spins and other maneuvers. That’s a lot of fun, especially knowing that the drone is not only crash resistant but costs just $200 — a pittance by drone standards. I’m not an acro pilot, but in the hands of an expert like quadmovr, the Neo can rip through some unbelievable moves.

The Neo can be piloted in FPV mode using the Goggles 3 and RC Motion 3 controllerThe Neo can be piloted in FPV mode using the Goggles 3 and RC Motion 3 controller

Steve Dent for Engadget

For novices who want to try first-person video flying (FPV) but aren’t ready for the tricky-to-use Controller 3, DJI’s Goggles 3 and RC Motion 3 are better for FPV newbs. It’s certainly not as nimble and quick as the Avata 2, but it’s still a lot of fun. In fact, it’s a great learning tool for wannabe FPV pilots with either of those controllers, thanks to the durability and low price.

The Neo is ideal for event videography too, as you can maneuver it almost anywhere to get some cool or dramatic shots. At the same time, the propeller guards make it safe to use around people. Again, it’s very noisy, so it’s obviously not suitable to fly through something like a wedding or a best man’s speech.

The modes ActiveTrack, Spotlight and Point of Interest (POI) work just as they do on other DJI drones to track or follow you. A key mode for content creators is Direction Track, which lets you do walk-and-talk vlogging while keeping your face in view. With that setting, the Neo is usually flying backwards with no rear obstacle sensor, so you’ll need a clear path. When I tested this, the drone veered into some tree branches and was thrown off course, but it kept on flying.

I never try to crash drones on purpose, but did have a few mishaps. The Neo hit some trees before falling to the ground a couple of times, and bonked a hard interior floor on one occasion. It not only continued to function perfectly, but had nary a visible scratch, so DJI has done a good job with durability. That said, you can purchase a one-year insurance plan for the Neo at just $22, which covers accidents and loss of the drone.

Pilot the Neo with the RC N3 and other controllersPilot the Neo with the RC N3 and other controllers

Steve Dent for Engadget

With a controller and DJI’s O4 transmission, the Neo has a 6.2 mile line-of-sight range in the US, or 3.7 miles in Europe where transmission power is limited. That’s exactly half that of the Mini Pro 4, but pretty extraordinary given the size — though I’m not sure who’d ever want to fly such a lightweight drone that far away. I flew it about half a mile away with no loss of signal, and that was plenty far for my comfort level. Maximum altitude, meanwhile, is unlimited and set by the user.

When using smartphone Wi-Fi control, maximum range is just 165 feet, so it’s really just for indoor or nearby outdoor use. This is based on Wi-Fi limits, but it also effectively serves as a geofence for novices (the drone just stops and hovers if it gets out of Wi-Fi range). In addition, if you’re using the palm or voice control, altitude is limited to around 100 feet.

While small and light, the Neo’s 1,435mAh lithium-ion Intelligent Flight Batteries support up to 17 minutes of flying time, or around 13 to 14 minutes in the real world — not bad in this category. With the Neo alone, it takes an hour to charge a single battery directly within the drone. However, if you spring for the $289 combo kit (including the drone, two extra batteries and a three-battery charger), you can juice three batteries in that same 60 minutes.

Video quality on the Neo isn't as good as other DJI drones but for $200, most buyers will be very satisifedVideo quality on the Neo isn't as good as other DJI drones but for $200, most buyers will be very satisifed
Steve Dent for Engadget

The gimbal is tucked into a protective housing and can tilt up 60 degrees and down 90. The camera has a 1/2-inch 12-megapixel sensor with an ultra-wide 13mm equivalent focal length and f/2.8 aperture — about what you’d expect on a decent smartphone.

The Neo’s video specs are weaker than other DJI drones, but I was pretty happy with my footage considering the price of the Neo. It can shoot 4K 30p video and 1080p at up to 60fps, certainly good enough for most social media users. It also supports 4K in a 4:3 aspect ratio at 30fps, or 1080p in the same aspect ratio but up to 60fps.

The camera doesn’t tilt sideways like it does on the Mini 4 Pro, which means it can’t do vertical video. That’s unfortunate considering the target market, but adding that capability would also increase complexity and, no doubt, the price. The best bet for social media users is to shoot in 4K and then crop to a 1080×1920 9:16 resolution.

There’s also no D-LogM capability to boost dynamic range as seen on most other DJI drones, and with such a small sensor, low-light capability is poor. However, video is sharp and color accurate, which is well above what you’d expect in this price range. The 12-megapixel photos are also good enough for hobbyists and social media users. I expect the average buyer taking aerial shots of their home, family and vacations will be more than pleased.

The DJI's camera has a 1/2-inch 12-megapixel sensor that's a match for many smartphonesThe DJI's camera has a 1/2-inch 12-megapixel sensor that's a match for many smartphones

Steve Dent for Engadget

The Neo also incorporates DJI’s software-based RockSteady stabilization along with gimbal tilt stabilization. That should provide smooth enough video for most users, or you can disable the stabilization altogether and use DJI’s GyroFlow app in post for better results. The Neo also supports HorizonBalancing, providing level video even if the drone banks up to 45 degrees. Note that for the 4:3 video modes, there’s no electronic image stabilization, so you need to stabilize the footage later using GyroFlow or another app.

The Neo can even capture audio with your phone just by tapping the Fly More app’s audio record button. You’ll get better quality by connecting an external microphone or using DJI’s Mic 2. Since the Neo is extremely noisy, the Mic 2 will cancel out much of that prop screeching, leaving your voice clear and legible, albeit with some distortion.

The Neo's custom mode button lets beginners capture fun, social media-ready shots.The Neo's custom mode button lets beginners capture fun, social media-ready shots.

Steve Dent for Engadget

DJI’s Neo might be small in stature, but it can shoot good quality video and photos safely around people, and does so at a very reasonable price. It has clearly captured the public’s imagination, as it’s already been sold out on DJI’s site despite only being on sale for a couple of weeks.

Potential buyers range from novices up to experienced hands who want a small, people-friendly drone for Instagram stories and more. It’s ideal for TikTok and other creators because it can act as a robot videographer, helping you record content by yourself. The main issues you’ll have to live with are the noise, lack of vertical video and limited battery life.

For $200, or $289 if you opt for the combo kit with three batteries and a charger, the Neo is a no-brainer for many creators. The only real competition is the $350 HoverAir X1, which costs more and offers lower-resolution video. But by providing higher quality video for less money, the Neo is a better value.

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