Calgary Sun Letters to the Editor for Friday, August 16, 2024

Calgary Sun Letters to the Editor for Friday, August 16, 2024

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Fairy tale wisdom

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It would be wise for the city of Calgary planners to read the fairy tale about the Three Little Pigs and apply that knowledge to the city building codes. Knowing that Calgary has had and will continue to have intense storms, the changes should come quickly. Yes, I know that vinyl siding is easy to put up and doesn’t require skilled labour like stucco or bricks, however, the results speak for themselves. Another consideration should be the orientation of the houses compared to storm patterns, thus having the house at right angles to the wind will only increase the damage. Finally, building the houses two stories high increases the surface area in contact with any storm. But, what do I know?

J.D. Round

(Sounds like you know quite a bit about it, maybe they’re hiring.)

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See through the NDP lies

The Temporary Foreign Workers Program has made it abundantly clear that the NDP, while saying they are a friend to the working class, actually despise and hate the working men and women of this nation.

The progressive movement throws the odd bone to the workers to keep up appearances that they got your best interest at heart. It is the motive behind the so-called free programs and hollow sloganeering like tax the rich to beguile and deceive working people.

The NDP is not the working peoples’ party, it is the party of radical environmentalism and Marxist professors. To reiterate, the NDP hate the working class and it’s time to see through their deception.

Jeffrey Anderson

(Bold take. Maybe they just don’t think about the working class at all?)

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If AI (artificial intelligence) is so wonderful, let’s use it now. U.S. President Joe Biden should retire all Supreme Court justices in favour of nine AI entities with no bias to make proper, logical, legal decisions.

AI cannot be influenced by politics, lavish paid vacations or expensive cars. AI does not collect any salary or great pension paid by American taxpayers. With AI, legal matter decisions would and should be made the same day they are sent to the AI Supreme Court for action and not take months or weeks for verdicts to be delivered.

So, do away with humans who can be influenced by material things and welcome AI — pure, logical and simple.


(I’m sorry, Dave … er … Robert, I’m afraid I can’t do that.)

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